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Each of our 00 sized vegetable capsules contain approximately 600mg grams of Borneo (Yellow Vein) Kratom.
Yellow Vein Borneo Kratom Powder traditionally comes from a strain of the Mitragyna speciosa kratom tree that lives in the old growth forests of Borneo and Sumatra.
The mature leaves of the tree have a characteristic yellow vein ribbing on the back side, instead of the common red vein, and contain the alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, similar to Yellow Vein Maeng Da Thai kratom leaves but at a lower price.
The Yellow Vein Borneo Kratom tree has been cultivated by experienced growers. The art of caring for the tree and harvesting its leaves has been passed down from generation to generation, ensuring high-quality production of the popular botanical.
Kratom is a kind of tree that is part of the coffee family, and its Latin name is Mitragyna speciosa. There are about seven different trees in this species, but kratom is the most well-known variety. Kratom trees and similar varieties contain what are known as mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine.
Kratom, also known as Mitragyna speciosa, is a tropical tree that has existed for thousands of years. This tree is related to coffee trees in a way, but the tree has very different characteristics and properties when compared to the coffee tree.
A third-party lab tests our product for impurities, heavy metals, and microorganisms. The kratom packed in resealable bags that are heat-sealed for quality and freshness.
Our raw powders, leaf, and encapsulated products test at an average of >1.5% mitragynine.
Borneo Kratom is named after the place of its origin, the island of Borneo. This particular Kratom strain is available in various forms, including the distinctive yellow vein variety.
The hue of Kratom leaves is subject to a wide range of factors, such as the timing of their collection, and can vary considerably. Yellow Vein Kratom strains are the result of a unique drying and curing process that results in the yellow color.
If you are interested in learning more about Kratom strains and vein colors, we recommend consulting "Kratom Strains, Colors, and More: A Phyto Guide" for additional information.
Our Yellow Vein Borneo Kratom we offer is obtained from wild Kratom trees that grow in the Kalimantan area of Indonesia.
For optimal results, take 4 capsules either directly or by brewing them into tea. The recommended serving size is 4 capsules, and it is advised not to exceed 8 capsules within a 24-hour period.
For more information on the best ways to consume Kratom, we invite you to read our blog post, "The 4 Best Ways to Take Kratom"
Several factors need to be taken into account when deciding on the most suitable Kratom serving size for you. Please refer to the product label for more specific serving size information.
Phytoextractum is one of the first AKA vendors to receive accreditation for Good Manufacturing Practices. More info on this can be found here.
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